I have been an avid sturgeon ice angler on the St. Croix river since I was old enough to drive. Over the years I have grown to find much joy in bringing out friends and family to enjoy the wild experience of fishing ancient sturgeon through the ice. Through the couple thousand hours I have spent chasing these prehistoric creatures I have learned enough about them to feel confident enough in my knowledge that I would like to share this experience with clients. My favorite part about sturgeon fishing is watching someone feel the power of a big sturgeon on an ice rod for the first time.
What to expect
5 hour trip or all night trip (Night time is the best opportunity to target sturgeon however, many sturgeon are caught during the daytime outings and is available upon request).
Sunset to sunrise: Arrive 1 hour before sunset and you can leave as late as 1 hour after sunset there will be 2 cots provided in the tent for customers to sleep while I watch their lines through the entire night
Room for up to 4 clients in my Otter monster lodge insulated fish house. I will provide all the gear needed to land the fish of a lifetime. Just show up with winter clothes and boots and I will have the rest covered.
I will drive you out on the ice in a snowmobile or truck depending on ice conditions. I will have the Icehouse set up and warmed up before you arrive so you can escape the winter elements immediately.
Sturgeon fishing is typically a low volume type of fishing, similar to musky fishing. Some nights you may be fishing for just one bite and other nights you may catch numbers of sturgeon into the double digits! I utilize Hummingbird mega live imaging to provide an engaging experience as it allows us to watch all the sturgeon swimming around beneath the ice.
Sturgeon School is a 2-hour outing where we will do some fishing. More importantly I will explain my knowledge of the fish along with answering any questions you may have about what it takes to catch a sturgeon. I will provide a good spot that will leave you confident in your ability to catch a sturgeon on your own
Sturgeon School: 200$
5 hour trip: 400$
Sunset to sunrise+meal: 700$
Location: ST. Croix River between Prescott WI and Stillwater MN.